Manuscripts submitted for publication should be sent via the Submission system. Only documents in standard pdf or Microsoft Word format should be sent.
Submission of a paper will be regarded as implying that it contains original unpublished work and is not being submitted for publication elsewhere.
Manuscripts should be in English. It is the responsibility of the author to ensure that the typescript is correct in style, syntax and spelling. Manuscripts will be considered in any form, but manuscripts longer than 50 pages are rarely accepted for publication. The manuscripts should be double-spaced. We use single-blind process so the article need not be anonymized. The manuscripts should include the title of the paper, the full names of the authors and their contact information, abstract, keywords, the JEL codes, and acknowledgements on the first page.
Accepted Articles
Authors of articles accepted for publication will be expected to provide a final copy in Microsoft Word format (.doc) or pdf format.
References should be listed at the end of the article. Some examples can be seen below (for more examples, please refer to past issues of the FEP or JFEA journals). References in the text to this list should be made by putting the year in parentheses, e.g. Smith (1776).
- Azariadis, C. (1993). Intertemporal Macroeconomics. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
- Blanchard, O. (1990). Suggestions for a New Set of Fiscal Indicators. OECD Working Papers No. 79.
- Corbo, V., and S. Fischer (1995). “Structural Adjustment, Stabilization and Policy Reform, Domestic and International Finance.” In Handbook of Development Economics. Vol. 3B, 2845-2924. Eds. J. Behrman and T.N. Srinivasan.
- Farmer, R.E.A. (1996). “A Theory of Business Cycles.” Finnish Economic Papers 9, 91-109.
When the paper is divided into sections, Arabic numerals should be used in numbering the sections.
Footnotes and formulae should be numbered consecutively throughout the text. Equation numbers should be given on the left hand side of the page. Acknowledgements should be denoted with an asterix and located as the first footnote.
Tables and figures should be clearly labelled and situated near the text to which they relate. The labels of the figures should be below the figure and the labels of the tables above the table. Number each figure and table in the order in which it is to appear.
In general the accepted articles should not be longer than 30 typewritten pages including references, figures and tables. An abstract not exceeding 150 words with the Journal of Economic Literature classification numbers should be included. It is possible to use Online Appendices. These will be published in the journal site in the format and style provided by the author(s). They should be submitted along with the manuscript.